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机械设计毕业论文题目 机械设计及其自动化毕业论文.doc

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机械设计毕业论文题目 机械设计及其自动化毕业论文.doc

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机械设计毕业论文题目 机械设计及其自动化毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:1 机械设计毕业论文题目机械设计及其自动化毕业论文分类号: 单位代码:10452 毕业论文(设计) 联轴器加工工艺与工装设计姓名秦伟学号 201004150447 年级 2010 专业机械设计制造及其自动化系(院) 机械工程学院指导教师马保聪 2014 年3月 30日摘要联轴器是用来把两个相邻轴端联接起来的装置。在机械结构中, 联轴器被用来实现相邻的两根转轴之间的半永久性联接。在机器的正常使用期间内,这种联接一般不必拆开,在 2 这种意义上, 可以说联轴器的联接是永久性的。但是在紧急情况下, 或者需要更换以磨损的零件时, 可以先把联轴器拆开,然后再联接上。联轴器有几种类型,它们的特性随其用途而定。本文通过分析联轴器的结构, 而从拟定设计方案、夹具配件的制作及装配分析整个过程,分别论述了认真掌握夹具设计原则,合理地安排工艺, 是可以制作成结构合理、定位可靠、经济实用的夹具。关键词:联轴器;多轴头;夹具;定位 ABSTRACT A coupling isa device for connecting the eds of adjacent shafts. In machine construction, ouplings are used to effect a semipermanent connection between adjacent rotating shafts. The connection is permanent in the sense that it is not meant to be broken during the useful life of the machine, but it can be broken and restored in an emergency or when worn parts are replaced. There are several types of shaft couplings, their characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used. This paper analyzes the structure of the coupling, and 3 from the development of the design, production and assembly fixtures accessories analyze the whole process were discussed carefully grasp fixture design principles, reasonable arrangements for the process, can be made into a reasonable structure, positioning reliable and economical practical fixture. Key words: coupling; project; fixture; location 目录摘要.................................................................... II ABSTRACT ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 1 绪论.................................................................... 1 多轴加工应用...................................................... 1 多 轴加工的类型: ........................................................................................ 1 多 轴加工的特点: ........................................................................................ 1 多 轴加工的设备............................................................................................ 1 联轴器技术分析.................................................... 2