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文档介绍:Shacheng Economic Development Zone is at provincial level and approved by the People's Government of Heibei Province.  
Shacheng Economic Development Zone is a unique treasure evidenced by its beautiful natural landscape and superior regional traffic, locating in the north of Zhongguancun and the west of Guanting Reservoir. With the grape as brand, guided by the concept that pioneer a sustainable regional economic development model to create a demonstration area of scientific development, it has established the industry development strategy that takes the leisure industry as the forerunner, high-tech service-oriented industries as the dominance, and both advanced manufacturing and modern agriculture as the bases to strive to develop into a first ecology base in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area.   With the accelerated integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area and the rise of major cities in this Area, Shacheng will rise to e an ecology-based, international and high-end city in the future.
Introduction to Huailai
Location & Transportation
Urban Planning
Investment Guide
Introduction to Huailai
Introduction to Huailai
Huailai, under the jurisdiction of Jizhou in ancient times, known as Ju Yang and Huai Rong in history, is the strategic location surrounding and protecting ancient capitals and safeguarding the borders. In . 916, Emperor Taizu of Liao Dynasty (. 907-1125) built the ruling system of prefectures and counties and thus the Huai Rong was renamed as Huailai.
Huailai has a long history. The war among the three tribes of Yan Di, Yellow Emperor and Chiyou ushered in the prelude of the splendid history of the land. Afterwards, the two tribes of Yan Di and Yellow Emperor lived together in the Yellow River Valley, thereby constituting the backbone of the Chinese nation in the future. Huailai has always been the choke point leading to the northwest, known as the "Northern Strategic Gateway ". The large-scale ancient dak- Jiming