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Medieval Europe.pdf

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Medieval Europe.pdf


Title Page 3
Publisher Information 4
Introduction 5
The Fall Of The Roman Empire 8
The Barbarian Kingdoms 18
The Empire And The New Monarchies 40
Feudalism 62
The Papacy Before Gregory VII 77
The Hildebrandine Church 92
The Medieval State 108
The Expansion Of Europe 125
The Free Towns 146
Also Available 174
Title Page
Henry Davis
Publisher Information
This electronic version published in 2010 by
Andrews UK Limited

  This edited version, including layout, typography,
additions to text, cover artwork and other unique factors
is copyright Andrews UK 2010. No part of this digital
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without
written permission of the copyright owner.
All divisions of history into periods are artificial in
proportion as they are precise. In history there is, strictly
speaking, no end and no beginning. Each event is the
product of an infinite series of causes, the starting-point
of an infinite series of effects. Language and thought,
government and manners, transform themselves by
imperceptible degrees; with the result that every age is
an age of transition, not fully intelligible unless regarded
as the child of a past and the parent of a future. Even so
the species of the animal and vegetable kingdoms shade
off one into another until, if we only observe the marginal
cases, we are inclined to doubt whether the species is more
than a figment of the mind. Yet the biologist is prepared to
defend the idea of species; and in like manner the historian
holds that the distinction between one phase of culture and
another is real enough to justify, and, indeed, to demand,
the use of distinguishing names. In the development of
munities and groups munities there
occurs now and again a moment of eq


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