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文档介绍:New Hero in Town
I. Warming up
When you think of superheroes, what are the first three names e into your head?
What do the superheroes above have mon?
II. Pre-reading
Have you seen the movie Wonder Woman?
Describe Wonder Woman in three words.
III. While-reading
Read the article and answer the following questions.
Who plays the character Wonder Woman in the movie?
What feature does the movie champion?
Gal Gadot, an Israeli actress.
The femininity of Wonder Woman.
III. While-reading
Read the article, and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Close Reading
Only males can obtain superhuman powers.
If enemies are caught by Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth, they cannot escape.
The new Wonder Woman is a male projection.
Love and kindness are Wonder Woman’s weaknesses.
III. While-reading
Read the article again, and answer the following questions.
Close Reading
1. What’s the difference between the old and the new Wonder Woman?
2. Why does Wonder Woman ignore patriarchy?
3. What does “It’s a battle with oneself to change the way the world works” mean?
III. While-reading
1. What’s the difference between the old and the new Wonder Woman?
Close Reading
In the past, Wonder Woman was only a male projection. She had a highly sexual appearance that was made to appeal to men. However, the new Wonder Woman is a hero for women. She tries to fight for opportunities for women.
III. While-reading
2. Why does Wonder Woman ignore patriarchy?
Close Reading
Because she grew up on a far-away female-only island, she doesn’t know what the social expectations for women are and doesn’t care when she finds out. She is an independent woman who wants to live in her own way. She also won’t apologize for being a woman.
III. While-reading
3. What does “It’s a battle with oneself to change the way the world works” mean?
Close Reading
It means that Wonder Woman has to act alone to change the way people treat women and to subvert the p


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