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文档介绍:Latin Dance
International Standard
International Standard(国际标准舞,即国标舞)is also named Dancesport(体育舞蹈)
It is classified in two kinds, one is Latin Dance(拉丁舞),another is Modern Dance(摩登舞).
We can distinguish them easily, by clothes, style and so on
Latin Dance is lively
Modern Dance is more graceful
Latin Dance consists of the following five dances:
Cha-cha-cha (恰恰恰)
Samba (桑巴)
Rumba (伦巴)
Paso Doble(斗牛)
Notice that the last two dances are not of
Latin American origin.
Characteristics of Latin Dance
The five kinds of Latin Dances have their own -cha is lively,Samba is full of passion,Rumba is graceful, Paso Doble is powerful, and Jive is nifty(俏皮的).Because of their diverse and romantic representations, Latin Dance has e an important part of the American’s life.
Latin dances are generally faster-paced, more sexy, and have more rhythmic expression. Time is 4/4 straight rhythm or related. Couples in the basic position stand face-to-face. Music may be Latin American traditional or contemporary popular music.
And now International Standard has e a new sport event of Olympic Games.
Precisely Cha-cha originated from Brazil, male and female dancers seemed like a pair of penguins. while angry, or unhappy, female dancers (female penguins) turned away, male dancers (male penguins) followed later. The dance movements are cheerful jumping. Dance stress swing(摇摆). Its amusement and cheerful pace make it very popular.
Sumba also originated from Brazil. As a kind of folk dance, it is very joyful. Sumba dancers must dance along a specific route, in Chinese we call it is the most passionate dance of Latin dance and it is so hot that impresses us strongly.
es of Cuba(古巴),it is a typical finger-popping dance. Rumba music is romantic , lyric and graceful. Usually Rumba expresses love.
Paso Doble(斗牛舞)
Paso Doble originated from Spain. In Paso Doble, male performs matador(斗牛士),female performs red


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