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上传人:wz_198613 2018/2/26 文件大小:126 KB




China has always been a country of multi-ethnic, national and cultural exchanges between the national association is to survive,the basis for exchanges, including the Northwest Territories by the conflict and the integration of many living in the northwest region of the Circle of the three ethnic groups, mainly in terms of customs,values,religion,production technology.
This paper provides an overview of the national culture constitute the Northwest, through the living habits of living in the northwest region of different ethnic and religious aspects of research,the culture of these peoples were analyzed and, finally,for the three cultures,including the Central Plains culture,Islamic culture and Tibetan Buddhist culture, and the formation and characteristics of their culture to summarize and generalize from four aspects of the conflict and the integration of northwest cultural exchanges,conflicts, including conflicts between the Central Plains culture and Islamic culture, the Central Plains culture and conflict between the Tibetan Buddhist culture and Islamic culture and Tibetan Buddhist culture conflict, integration is also analyzed according to the relationship between the three proposed strengthening cultural exchanges northwest appropriate countermeasures, including respect for ethnic differences strengthen national education, munication,the development of cultural industries, the ultimate goal is to promote multicultural.
This study particularly to national culture and national culture exchanges provide some reference, hope that people of all nationalities can get along well, and jointly promote the development of the country.
Key words: Northwest Area;National culture;Cultural Exchange
摘 要.....................................................................................................................................1
Abstract 2
1. 绪论.....................................................................................


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