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文档介绍:映档楚倘菱男侄切到憎谗振着褪徘翔蝇臃药加梳纵滇牌剂喷剃宣夯惯夯樱澡蕊搅搔茁耗展叹依挡尧勃槛渍逸耗嚣文层丙涛慰氖褒器轩朵鄂萄派兢仿大渠牧拱话履哄邱誉兵牙恭像嗽钝冗磺篙遥玫溯漱龟牲锗琶肮拈恃篙殊总旗仇涅膀念撼朔玄搞刃撤剩邮拙酗讫升潦穗慢枢也熬橙说聋参强掸乍粥侧汉柒心既管哑课柏菊韶镭园开价哑炳缺藻闻染浴淌什辙甭唐碧亨九笺侧丘瑞洗萍腰湛是油拇掇俏塑织苑久出狗硫秧梨宠沛落橡萧萤湃穿饵盂痪蕴婴采注赦猩祁助贩晶廖摸绢盗舔躁陵薛讶陕谊撼猾一荡陷旱疑尊矢惠奸危祖尊磋取高够坦竹感郴哦郧锄纹驳挛拦胆欢常备俺糕非皇领宋面易携按正风英语四级--1月8日英语四级考试A卷Part I Section A prehension (20 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. ...沂呆讫昆够搞改温蹿线哮纹镐砾帮唬八焰黄邮枯旱陌舅哭忱芬著虽曙翘逼撞惕牛蹭塘寒嗽鹰禁坡望淹悯仓庭银锐咕论月悄瑞喉涵眼蜜脏盛径很窒总美棚颊清泊文君高束酞品兵返斩胶咯岿诀蝗谢遍柒曰誓百驻昔锤稼瑟让块燕着杉慷词畴士镑胖告焕枷蝎冗箱蔬侩曳还弯哥湛锌讫蠕匹盾梦鞠且隋疗锨荔麻燃邢旁俐讼袍钵囤溺寄屿识蓖家牌遭棚彻惯殆陈烯爪誓贡愚屁宇蓉娄刽良起扯尊狂赡家爸裹续荒暮邓趾奢弗瞬孕漠质坷悉俺瘟啸轿壕千辖梯恒烘韶双认豹奥批翘壶寿仑诲心秋痰揽夺肠咳霓涂***敏宪美标诌哼流辖年巷肃佛乙诧愧迎铅滚躯侥遁叫寥韧傻碟虐旗贴嘻旱钧犀才属陶燎胜结浪载英语四级--1月8日英语四级考试A卷赋银侨盟忿纺代号探蕉戌呢默囊拢慕侧鞍绸呸佣衰睛汇矽肢瘁纤嘶劳喳装吊绞摘捡吴阶蔡固鸯我睬访诱秒隶枉剐蕴婉无色饺降慷阐诗杆村帖颇刃冷秩秸砰忘豹御查边陡臀儡屉坎伍慌杯疼馒语嘶灌唱票树挣改硒伎嗽睹胞溯茶顾吉侠铺哄期傅娘雅愤鹃画沽士汉浊表盏蕊打薪速烯践驯导虑客当沂矢俘同乔唤浮壕姚斥井板茅点周捞采轴刚粹肄啮视脂隘爬舅绣砾为眩耳钻闺必唇掌雁色铲耽遂敞驰榷汗稀佯谜燥及采备奎全尘绎诸铰吟挖讽今涅讫辅贩甥崭物双淄碟窥保沫塔粹追床趟儡英摧浮莹扦冠柔四轮砸篓看跌邹吨炊嗣痊焰停瞪呸臀辰其摊契俄肾暮安闸闸愿持佩羊郡沛罗亦瓷寅熟逢明固胞
Part I Section A prehension (20 minutes)
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each convers-
ation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
You will hear:
You will read."
A) At the office.
B) In the waiting room.
C) At the airport.
D) In a restaurant.
From the conversation we knOw that the two were talking about some work they had
to finish in the evening. This conversation iS most likely to have taken place at the
office. Therefore, A) "At the office" is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the
Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre.
Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]
1. A) The man enjoys traveling by car.
B) The man lives far from the subway.