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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/24 文件大小:1.33 MB




The thesis mainly describes that wine tasters give a core of classification indicators of the wine to make an assessment of the problem after a wine tasting.
In response to question 1, we use the paired t test methods firstly and find out the t value to get the significant differences of the results of the evaluation between the wine tasting group;and puting paring the  variance of the sores of each sample of the two wine tasting groups respectively, consequently,we confirm that the score results of the second group is more credible.
In response to question 2, we apply the software to conduct the ponent analysis to simplify the physical and chemical indicators of wine grapes;and then we divide 27 different varieties of wine grapes into 3 categories by using clustering analysis,; we determine the level according to the average score of wine grapes of each type of wine grape varieties grapes.
In response to question 3, at first,we consult the same physical and chemical indicators of wine grapes and wine,and then Obtains functional relationship between the various varieties of grapes and wine in the same chemical indicators, by utilizing data fitting.
In response to question 4, we establish multiple linear regression model by taking wine grape and wine of the physical and chemical indicators as independent variables and defing the score of wine as dependent ,using the software to sove it, and through the analysis and appraisal we can obtain that applying the physical and chemical indicators of wine grapes and wine can evaluate the wine quality.
Key words: t test; software; clustering analysis; data fitting; multivariate linear regression model
Problem restatement
When you determine a general wine quality is by hiring a batch for the quality of the wine enjoys dancing. Each rating in wine tasting in the wine after the classification of indicators, and then the final score, and to determine the quality of wine g


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