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acca fi ch 15 课件.ppt

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acca fi ch 15 课件.ppt


文档介绍:Ch15 Recruitment and selection
Importance of recruitment and selection
Processes and stages of recruitment and selection
Roles of those involved in the recruitment and selection processes
Methods of recruitment and selection
Advantages and disadvantages of different methods of recruitment and selection
Study guide
Key terms
Recruitment ; selection;
Job analysis; job description; job design; job specialisation; role definitions; person specification; competences; Seven-point plan;
(individual/panel)Interviews; selection boards; halo effect; stereotyping;
Selection testing: (proficiency/attainment/ competence/ psychometric/ intelligence/ aptitude/ personality)
Group selection; assessment centres; reference checking; work sampling
1 Recruitment and selection
Defining requirements
Attracting applicants
Overview of recruitment and selection
Underlying principle of HRM: people are a scarce resource and need to be managed effectively.
Overall aim of recruitment and selection: obtain the quantity and quality of employees required to fulfill the objectives of anization.
3 main stages:
Definition p462:
Recruitment is the part of the process concerned with finding the applicants; it is a positive action by management, going into the labor market (internal and external), communicating opportunities and information, generating interest.
Selection is the choosing between applicants for jobs. It is largely a ‘negative’ process, eliminating unsuitable applicants.
Importance of recruitment and selection
Employees represent a scarce and crucial resource.
Process of recruitment and selection is part of .’s human resource plan.
Recruitment (and training) issues are central to the business strategy.
Organizations need to deploy skills in order to eed.
* Even in high employment, particular skill shortages still exist.
2 Who is involved in recruitment and selection and their responsibility
Senior managers/directors: HR planning
Human resource department: