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上传人:mh900965 2018/4/20 文件大小:67 KB





Comparison is one of the fundamental ways construction is the reflection of man’parative of thinking and the abilities and activities. As we know, do a contrastive study between Chinese---the most people used in the world and English---the most popular and widely used in the world parative construction are most significant in modern times.
Based on fundamental theories of contrastive linguistics, this thesis centers on a contrastive study of the English and parative construction in an attempt to explore the similarities and particularly explore the dissimilarities between these two languages.
Some Chinese scholars have conducted a contrastive study of the English and parative construction, but they did not set standards of judging parative category. Consequently, they could not carry out a thorough and systematic contrastive study, that is to say, they lay stress on morphological changes of gradable words and on finding different formulae parison in English and Chinese. Moreover, they have not analyzed why the differences exist between the two languages.
In order to make a thorough contrast of the English and parative construction, the thesis first sets standards of judging parative category, that is, those with all semantic features parison, and forms that conform to semantic requirements parison belong to parative category, otherwise the scope of parative category would be enlarged. Then, the thesis offers a macroscopic and microscopic contrastive study of the English and parative construction. The macroscopic contrastive prises the following five aspects: gradable words, relations parison, comparative dimension, parative items and ellipsis. In the microscopic study, a detailed contrast is
presented concerning relation parison syntactically, semantically and pragmatically.
After the contrast this thesis points out that there are many similarities between the English and parative construction, which e foundations of the contrastive stud


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