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银联云闪付专题培训 (2016年2月版).ppt

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银联云闪付专题培训 (2016年2月版).ppt

上传人:xiang1982071 2018/5/12 文件大小:2.85 MB


银联云闪付专题培训 (2016年2月版).ppt


There is a growing tendency on the part of parents and students to scorn courses of study that do not teach people how to e attractive to employers—a tendency understandable and even laudable in itself but short-sighted and irrational when connected to its failure to see the link between job performance and the systematic development of the human mind.
How to write introduction
Announcing and limiting the subject
Providing necessary information related to the topic
Leading to and setting up the thesis statement
(Overview of major points)
Space Research
……Space research and exploration has three main benefits for societies. It satisfies the enquiring spirit of humankind, stimulates scientific research in a country, and can lead to the development of useful products for everyone.
Presentation of your argument
I support this with the following reasons.
The following reasons/factors should be taken into consideration.
The reasons are chiefly as follows.
There are a number of reasons for this phenomenon.
A number of factors contribute to the problem.
This problem can be attributed to the following factors.
Broadest general
(Background info)
More specific
(Thesis statement)
Prevention is better than cure
Families are not as close as before. Give reasons for this change, and suggest some ways to bring families closer.
Sample 1
Nowadays some people feel family relationship is not as close as before.
Sample 2
In the past, family was a very important concept in people’s minds, and it was the center of many people’s lives, man or woman, young or old. But families are ing not as close as before.
Sample 3
In modern society, the earth es warmer and warmer. But the relationship between person and person es more and more indifferent, even the families are not as close as before. It would be caused by many reasons.