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上传人:wz_198613 2018/5/12 文件大小:201 KB




The ess of the enterprise marketing lies in whether the enterprise can find its own target market and make the right market positioning, which is the foundation of a correct marketing strategy. pany has been in the market of badminton supplies in Shenzhen for more than 20 years, but still does not e a well-known brand, so it, guided by the target market strategy, needs to have a new understanding of the market and adjusts its market strategy to essfully develop the market. Take the example of small-and-medium-sized sports goods enterprises finding their suitable target markets and winning the survival and development space as the realistic reference, this paper conducts the beneficial exploration to promote the development of sports goods industry.
From the perspective of the target market marketing strategy, this paper attempts to analyze the marketing problems of pany; it subdivides the badminton supplies market in Shenzhen with STP theory, explores the petition environment with the “five-force model” and finds out the strengths, weaknesses and the petence of pany with SWOT analytical method; according to the above-mentioned results, it finds the target market suitable for the conditions and the abilities of pany, makes the target market positioning for pany, and takes advantage of 4C marketing mix strategy to work out specific marketing strategy to serve the target market, establish the brand image among the target customers and essfully expands the market share in the market with petition.
With the related theory of target marketing strategy, this paper reviews the future marketing strategy of pany, explores the target market suitable for the development of pany and improves the marketing mix strategy based on the marketing positioning. Combining the theory with the initial strategy practice of pany, it makes every effort to offer reference to pany or panies of the same type in the process of establishing the marketing strategic ideas.
Key Word: She


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