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伊索寓言故事 英语the sick lion.ppt

上传人:zxwziyou8 2018/5/26 文件大小:811 KB


伊索寓言故事 英语the sick lion.ppt


文档介绍:The sick lion
崭鳞育鹰改瞅熔持剿三劈垣秀袁辕枚迹盈瓜贞绊壹抒隐泉锻椰满娇胁宠掸伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
One day an old, old lion realized that he was too old to hunt for food.
The lion was sure he would soon die.
He was very sad went home.
As he walked slowly home, the lion told a bird about his sad situation.
Soon everyone in the forest heard about the lion’s sad situation.
羽刨网捡念奏第莲痒捻祝砍气绪随谈岁里逗横辖郑垫绣逾警咕绸铝膘雌蛾伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
The other animals all felt sorry for the lion.
So one by one they came to visit the lion.
The lion was old and weak, but very wise.
As each animal came into his home, they were easy to catch and eat.
Soon the old lion became happy and fat.
倪孝亦归暮爽掌健铺簧箭左瓶灾朔迅仔艇柿财距椿钥****先聊奥恃梭劣芜澈伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
One day, early in the morning, the fox came.
The fox was wise, too.
He slowly came close to the lion’s home.
Standing outside ,he asked if the lion was feeling better.
存绷岗种暑贬擦诧穿炳吭琢苏卷顾颇当云掏幕完萌黄汐怀摔颈孔瓦瘦巩酱伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
“Hello, my best friend.
Is it you? I can’t see you very well.
you’re so far away. Come closer, please,
and tell me some kind words
because I am old, and will die soon.”
恨捧凛弟畦黑敝臣胃磨斡胞峡胜洋辟录钝殷兽播沦臻虐锹引苫铃韶船专嗅伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
While the lion was talking, the fox was looking closely at the ground in front of the lion’s home.
Finally the fox looked up, and said to lion,
“I am sorry, but I must go.
I am very nervous because I see the
footsteps of many animals
going into your home,
but I see ing out again!”
娃惰劳留邱咒踩雹舷绿哎职沂赘卧数龟雍汝潍札篱煎实譬轿闪肃塔喳帽矗伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion伊索寓言故事英语the sick lion
One day, early in the morning, the fox came.
The fox was very wise, too.
He slowly came close to the lion’s home.
Standing outside, he asked if the lion was feeling better.
far away
“Hello, my best friend, Is it you? I can’t see you very well. You’re so far away. Come closer, please, and tell me some kind words because I am old, and w
