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《商务英语学习手册》第一章 (unit1-5).doc

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《商务英语学习手册》第一章 (unit1-5).doc

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《商务英语学习手册》第一章 (unit1-5).doc



I. 词汇学****br/>Unit 1. Pleased to meet you!
Meeting people for the first time
Words and expressions:
a good impression好的印象
appointment 约会、约定
fellow-delegate 同参加会议的代表
business card,业务名片
a bumpy flight 颠簸不堪的
conference 会议
JFK(Kennedy Airport New York)肯尼迪纽约(国际)机场
a neutral subject 核心议题
neutral subject 中性话题
small talks—闲聊/闲谈
get down to business 开始谈正经事
cigarette 香烟
have an appointment with sb. 与..约会
two sugars 两块糖
black coffee不加牛奶的咖啡
white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡
plc(public pany)上市公司 purchasing director 采购经理
receptionist 接待人员
senior sales manager 高级销售经理
sightseeing 观光
tattoo 纹身
Birmingham 伯明翰
Stuttgart, Germany 德国斯图加特
1. Get down to business: begin to do something seriously
Their eldest son is returning from Britain to Australia to get down to managing the estate.
We need to get down to some serious talking. 我们需要好好谈谈。
2. Offer sb sth 或者offer sth to sb
One offers the other a cigarette 给对方递烟
I have been offered a job in Spain. 我得到一个在西班牙工作的机会
Offer to do sth 主动做什么事情
My dad has offered to pick us up. 我爸爸说他愿意来接我们。
3. Have difficulty doing sth 做什么事情有困难
They have great difficulty in finding a replacement. 他们很难找一个替代的人。
4. Manage to do sth 设法完成什么事情
He managed to escape to South America.
5. Can I get you something to drink? 我给你拿点喝的,好吗?(比较礼貌的说法)
6. How do you like something? (两种意思:饮料中加什么或怎样烹饪什么食品,问对某事的看法)
How do you like your steak? 你的牛排要怎样的?
How do you like your job? 你的工作如何
forward to doing sth 渴望做什么
I am looking forward to sightseeing later on.
Key sentence patterns
How was your trip? Did you have any trouble finding us?
How is your hotel? How do you like the weather here in Shenzhen?
How was the traffic? Would you like to call your office?
When did you actually arrive? Are you feeling well?
Would you like to phone home?
Nice to meet you. Are you Mr.
Hello my name is Mr. Green. Pleased to meet you.
I have an appointment with Mr. Mike. Nice to mee