文献、资料题目:Legal Framework for Equal Employment
(Human Resource Management Chapter4) 文献、资料来源:著作文献、资料发表(出版)日期:
院(部): 商学院
专 业: 工商管理
班 级: 工商 0831
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学 号: 指导教师: 翻译日期:
Legal Framework for Equal Employment
Laws on Sex/Gender Discrimination
A number of laws and regulation address discrimination on the bases of sex/gender .Historically, women experienced employment discrimination in a variety of ways. The inclusion of sex as a basis for protected-class status in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act has led to various areas of protection for women.
Pregnancy Discrimination The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978 requires that any employer with 15or more employees treat maternity leave the same as other personal or medical leaves. Closely related to the PDA is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993, which requires to the PDA is the Family and Medical Leave of family leave without pay and also requires that those taking family leave be allowed to return to jobs (see Chapter 14 for details). The FMLA applies to both men and women.
In court cases it generally has been ruled that the PDA requires employers to treat pregnant employees the same as no pregnant employees with similar abilities or inabilities. Therefore, an employer was ruled to have acted properly when terminating a pregnant employee for excessive absenteeism due to pregnancy-related illnesses because the employee was not treated differently than other employee with absenteeism problem. However, in another case, a dental employee who was fired five days after she told her manager that she was pregnant was awarded $18,460 by a court decision that ruled her employer violated the PDA.
Two other areas somewhat related to pregnancy and motherhood also have been subjects of legal and regulatory action. The . Equal mission has ruled that denial of health insurance coverage for prescription contraceptives under employer-provided health plans violate