专业名称: 计算机科学与技术
本毕业设计的完成的主要工作是,制作一个介绍河北经贸大学的短片,是用Premiere ,软件制作的。我主要负责片子的视频剪辑,添加背景,录音等几方面的工作。
我们的工作大致分六个阶段进行,第一,选取素材。由于受条件限制我们找到了一张介绍高校的原片,片子的内容和有关数据都较为陈旧,因此我们有大量的工作可做,这就使我们的视频,音频处理工作有了很大的发挥空间。第二,搜集材料。有许多数据需要重新调查,我们通过询问领导,去图书馆查阅还从网上搜集了较为及时准确的数据。第三,。,我们必须把格式转换。我们使用豪杰工具把MPEG格式的文件转换为. avi格式。第四,视频剪辑。首先对原片进行较为粗略的剪辑,然后在熟悉软件的基础上进行润色加工。第五,音频剪辑,首先选取背景音乐,然后整理材料进行录音。第六,录入字幕。此步骤属于后期制作,主要添加一些特殊效果使片子看起来较为新颖美观。
This graduate design is make a short movie which about the university of Hebei economic and use the software named . My tasks are film editing, adding the background music,importing the sound file,adding the caption, etc.
Our work mostly divides six stage first,selecting the of the restriction of condition, we collected an old movie which introduced the college of china. The movie context is very old and the date is out dated,so we have a lot work to second, collecting lot of dates need to collected the timely and accurate date through going to the library and the . The third, importing the movie into the . Because the format of our original material is not support,we must format changed the MPEG format into format of .avi used the software of hero 3000. The fourth,film the start we edited the movie simply, after we mastered ,we added some special fifth,sound selected the background music first, then tidy up the material to recording the movie The sixth,adding the caption This step belong to the empress period the creations,and primarily increase the some and special result to make the film looks novel and beauty.
Through these works us we learned the function of deeply, an