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文档介绍:随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。(take on)
With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities.
2. 他感到他再没有必要对约翰承担这样的责任。(make mitment)
He felt he did not have to make such mitment to John any more.
3. 闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与她相反,露茜却喜欢呆在家里看书。(as opposed to)
Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time,as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading.
4. 充其量可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说,他是一个没有良心(conscience)或没有资格的权力追求者。(at best, at worst)
At best he's ambitious,at worst a power-seeker without conscience or qualifications.
5. 我们已尽全力说服他,但是却毫无进展。(strive,make no headway)
We have striven to the full to convince him,but we have made no headway.
因特网的普及给人们提供了迅速、方便地获取信息的机会。(access to)
Answer:The popularity of provides people with quick and convenient access to information.
既然他不同意这个计划,再考虑此事就没有多大意义。(there is not much point in)
Answer:Since he doesn’t agree to this plan, there is not much point in thinking about it any more.
我本人没有看过这部影片,不过它应该是一部很好的片子。(be supposed to)
Answer:I haven’t seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a very good film.
如果你不努力,终将一事无成。(end up nowhere)
Answer:If you don’t work hard, you’ll end up nowhere.
美国有义务首先采取行动禁止核武器。(up to, take the initiative)
Answer:It’s up to the United States to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
要是他适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。(no more...than)
He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be.
至于她的父亲,她不敢肯定是否会接收她和他的小孩。(as for