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美国英雄主义论文-On American Heroism in Movies.doc

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美国英雄主义论文-On American Heroism in Movies.doc

上传人:zxwziyou8 2018/7/11 文件大小:65 KB


美国英雄主义论文-On American Heroism in Movies.doc


American movie is a kind of important expression of American culture on screens. The popular American heroic movies created many hero figures that became idols in the young. The movies entered into the sprit of American culture, contained the position of cultural values, and reflected cultural characters of individual heroism. The essay will analyze the existent reasons of American heroism, divide the types and characters of American heroic movies according to the themes of cowboy, superman, non-hero, war and scientific fantasy, and conclude the influence on America.
Key words: American movies; heroism; culture
关键词:美国电影; 英雄主义; 文化
Heroes enrich the dreams of people, especially of their childhood. With the development of the mass media, the movie as a type of important way to express the culture of one country. In American movies, the kinds of heroes have played a significant role in shaping and showing people’s value. Meanwhile, they have influenced the path of their lives

The Definition of Heroism
The Meaning of Hero
Heroes are the great men or women who have made achievements which were provided the inspiration for the people. Some are physical heroe


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