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环境公益诉讼原告主体资格 毕业论文.doc

上传人:nnejja93 2018/7/22 文件大小:135 KB


环境公益诉讼原告主体资格 毕业论文.doc




The plaintiff of environmental public interest litigation subject qualification

Abstract: with the evolution and progress with the development of human society, environmental problems also gradually appear in people's field of vision. Such as a variety of atmospheric pollution, life pollution, non-point source pollution, industrial pollution prominent, and river pollution, these problems not only seriously affect our people's living environment and the health of the body, but also will bring that to solve the environmental pollution,the serious pollution of our environment, the sustainable development of our economic society can not ignore the threat. Therefore, people gradually realize that to establish and perfect the system of environmental public interest litigation conforms to our country national condition, the environmental public interest litigation legal system guarantee effective. However, in our country started the environmental public interest litigation is late, the development is not perfect, pared with the biggest problem in many developed countries, China's environmental public interest litigation is the lack of the necessary public participation mechanism. Therefore, the establishment of the current in our plaintiff qualification in environmental public interest litigation es the core. And in this paper elaborated the concept, the plaintiff qualification of the environmental public interest litigation characteristics at the