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文档介绍:Unit 9 Teaching Listening
1. Listening problems and English situations
characteristics of the listening process
principles and models of teaching listening
4. mon activities in teaching English
I The importance of teaching listening
Listening is one of the four basic skills of a language.
Listening is ing more and more necessary to understand spoken English in many situations:
face-to-face conversations
telephone calls
business meetings
Task 1
Difficulties encountered
Reasons why it is difficult
Difficulties encountered
Cannot hear the words
can hear but cannot understand
Quickly forget what is heard.
Neglect the next part when thinking about meaning
Unable to form a mental representation from words heard.
Do not understand subsequent parts of input because of earlier problems
Reasons why it is difficult
Different speakers produce the same sounds in different ways. ( dialects and accents, stresses, rhythms, intonations, mispronunciations)
The speed of the input of spoken material can not be controlled;
Spoken material is often heard only once. And the listener cannot pause the speaker to work out the meaning.
Background noise
Do other tasks, such as note-taking, writing down directions or messages from telephone calls.
3. Characteristics of the listening process (P139)
Visual clues
Listener’s response
Speaker’s adjustment
2) Context
The context of listening is usually known in real life. The situation usually helps us predict what we are going to hear.
1) Spontaneity
We often listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they are going to say ahead of time.