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文档介绍:Grammar The infinitive
Check your answers to :Underline all the sentences in the unit which contain infinitives. Then mark their usages according to the headings below.
1. As the subject(S) 2. As the predicative( P)
3. As the object (O) 4. As the plement(Oc)
the attributive( A) 6. As the adverbial (Ad)
Marty says…
2. I used to climb trees, swim and play
football. (O)
3. Then I started to get weaker and weaker.
Unfortunately, the doctors
don’t know how to make
me better, but I am very
outgoing and have learned to adapt to
my disability. (O) &(O)
Check your answers :
4. Even after all that, no one
could give my disease a name
and it is difficult to know
what the future holds. (S)
5. Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to
school so my education suffered.(Ad)&(O)
6. My ambition is to work for a firm that
puter software when I grow
up. (P)
Marty says…
Marty says…
8. Last year I invented…and a
pany has decided
to buy it from me. (O)
9. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. (A)
10. To look after my pet properly takes a lot of
time but I find it worthwhile. (S)
am happy to have found many
Things I can do... (Ad)
11. I have to work hard to live a normal life but
It has been worth it. (O) &(Ad)
13. Just accept them for who they are, and
give them encouragement to live as rich
and full a life as you do. (A)
12. If I had a chance to say one thing to healthy
children, it would be this…(A)
Conclusion: 不定式由_______________构成,没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能独立作谓语。不定式在句中可作_____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _________。
“ to+动词原形”
二. 不定式的否定结构
三. 不定式的时态
四. 不定式的被动式
1. 不定式在句子中做主语
(1) To act like that is childish.
(2) It is not easy to learn English well.
(3) It calls for a great deal of memory work to master a foreign language.
Conclusion:为避免句子出现“头重脚轻”现象, 常用做形式主语,将真正主语的不定式后置。
2. 不定式在句子中宾语
A. (1) She intends to talk about the matter.


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