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南非 出口指导.pdf

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南非 出口指导.pdf



文档介绍:The Practitioner’s Guide to
Importing Fresh Produce into South African Markets

February 2006
Version I

USAID/Southern Africa,

USAID Contract No. AFP-I-801-03-00020-00, . #801
. Box 602090 ▲Unit 4, Lot 40 ▲ merce Park ▲ Gaborone, Botswana ▲ Phone (267) 390 0884 ▲ Fax (267) 390 1027
E-mail: info@

The USAID Trade Hub seeks to accelerate economic growth by enhancing
petitiveness of Southern African (Zambia, Mozambique, Lesotho,
Swaziland, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Malawi and Tanzania) firms and
products in domestic, regional and export markets. The Trade Hub functions
by providing targeted assistance to selected value chains and clusters within
several sectors to improve market linkages, innovate in product and process,
comply with quality and other standards and thereby build sustainable
competitiveness advantage within firms, industries and supply chains.

Through this manual, the USAID Trade Hub seeks to assist exporters in
SADC countries to understand the procedures to follow when exporting into
South Africa. The manual also provides information of relevant institutions in
South Africa and their contact details and documentation required.

This is Version I of this manual, and any feedback, areas of ings,
contribution ments are ed to improve its value to potential
exporters in the Region.

While the USAID Trade Hub has made every effort to ensure that information
in this manual is correct, it cannot accept responsibility for the ess or
failure of any business transactions undertaken with information from this
Table of Contents
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................................ 1
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................2
BACKGROUND ............................


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