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was quite terrible. It took me some time to ______ (镇定)down myself.
are always _______(关心)about their children.
3. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was _________(破坏)entirely.
4. He got a job in a pany after __________(毕业) from university.
5. It is very difficult to ______________(说服) my father to give up smoking.
6. The role of the railways declined in the __________(运输) systerm.
7. I am __________(有决心) to finish the work ahead of time.
8. He felt very _______(不安) for he had lost his diary.
9. You can’t play ________(在户外) before you finish your homework.
10. I am glad to hear that the problem has been ________(解决).
11. He is ________(遭受) from a bad headhache.
12. It took some weeks to ________(恢复) from his illness.
13. The girl has _______(包装) her clothes into a bag.
14. I ________(不同意) with what you said.
think it is wrong of you to ______ (忽视)your parents’ advice.
are________(要求) not totouch the exhibits.
officer ____________ (命令)the soldiers to fire.
___________(直接) ahead and you will see the post office.
________(宁愿) to die rather than give in.
20. I heard the news report, but I’m still not sure if the information was ___(可信赖的)or not.
21. He thought I had known the fact. But _______(事实上), I knew nothing about it.
22. Though I haven’t met him for many years


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