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景观艺术设计(landscape art design).doc

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景观艺术设计(landscape art design).doc

上传人:marry201208 2018/9/9 文件大小:32 KB


景观艺术设计(landscape art design).doc


文档介绍:景观艺术设计(Landscape art design)
In this paper, by the time when the contribution
Landscape art design
Course Name: landscape art design English Name: Landscapes design total class hours: 60 Total Credits: 3
"China classical garden history" rights week.. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 1999 (.) "humanity place" (US) Claire Cooper Markus, edited by Caroline Francis. Yu Kongjian, Sun Peng, Wang Zhifang. Beijing: Chinese Architectural Industry Press, "communication and space" (Denmark) Jan Gail. Beijing: who can translate. China Building Industry Press, 2002 "garden planting design" edited by Zhang Jixiang. Garden plants design. Beijing: China Architectural Industry Press, "landscape architecture" (America) John - O - Symonds. Yu Kongjian, Wang Zhifang, Sun Peng. Beijing: Chinese Architectural Industry Press, 2000 "landscape art design history" Ming. Nanchang: Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House, "fast environmental art design 60" Guo Wei Min, Shi Ming. Nanjing: Jiangsu science and Technology Press,
The first chapter is the introduction of landscape art design
I. learning objectives, requirements and basic content: learning purpose, requirements, and basic content:
The syllabus requires students to correctly understand the relationship between landscape and landscape, the curriculum requires students to correctly understand the