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鬼泣攻略(devil may cry .).doc

上传人:marry201208 2018/9/11 文件大小:31 KB


鬼泣攻略(devil may cry .).doc


文档介绍:鬼泣1攻略(Devil May Cry 1.)
The dark night slowly around me this is called "Devil May Cry" is a small bar, bar, in fact here also sell some special weapons, and occasionally I will accept the entrustment of some of the strange and eccentric - for example, in addition to the magic, this may be as the legendary Dark Knight, son of Sparda Dante's mission. And on that night, I accepted a mystery woman'mission, though she had a special way of appearing. The king of the underworld, who plans to make eback after washing two million years ago, is planning to make eback. He is trying to open the door to the world, and to summon evil to the world again. My blood, my fate, forced me to accept mission. I and the mysterious woman, Greek, together with the king of the devil Meders hiding place - Murray island.
Mission 1 cursed bloody puppet
After the door directly move forward along the corridor, you will get 4 yellow stone in a statue on the left, it is important to read the game props, must pay attention to the collection. Jump on the right side of the building, but also can get HP to increase the ceiling props - blue stone. At the end of the corridor, the dark gate seemed to contain endless dangers. I didn't hesitate to go in directly - facing the danger and fighting against evil, which is probably my irresistible fate.
Into the hall, the first job is to collect scattered between three layers of stone stairs every corner of the blood, to open the first floor door seal. Just pay attention to every location,
And master two jump usage, collect 45 blood stone with what should not be a problem. Open the sealed door and move on. Walk into a corridor filled with armor, and chop your armor, and you'll get props that increase the HP ceiling. Then open the door to move on, after a winding corridor, sword cut several times, will be found on the top of the ceiling collapsed a block. I jumped and jumped into the hidden room. There, not only can collect blood stone, but also can


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