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文档介绍:· 130 ·
第 9 卷第 3 期肠外与肠内营养
2002 年 7 月 Parenterai & Enterai Nutrition
· 综述·
蔡东联, 陈小莉综述
(第二军医大学附属长海医院营养科,解放军临床营养中心,上海 200433)
摘要: 同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)在血中浓度增高可显著增加心血管疾病的发生率。但轻度的高 Hcy 血症与心血管疾
病之间是否存在必然联系尚有争议。有很多关于心血管疾患病人用叶酸降低血中 Hcy 浓度的研究,仍不能将叶酸
的作用与其他可降低血浆 Hcy 浓度的因素作出区分。
关键词: 同型半胱氨酸血症; 心血管疾病; 动脉粥样硬化
中图分类号: 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1007-S10X(2002)03-0177-03"
Hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascular diseases
CAI Dong-iian,CHEN Xiao-ii reviewing
( Department of Clinical Nutriology,Changhai Hospital,the Second Military Medical Uniuersity,Center of Clin-
ical Nutriology,CPLA,Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract: Many data show that hyperhomocysteinemia is correiated with the increased rate of cardiovascuiar
diseases. Yet,there is controversy about the reiationship between miid hyperhomocysteinemia and cardiovascuiar
diseases. Lots of study suggest that the concentration of piasma homocysteine was reduced by using foiic acid in
patients with cardiovascuiar diseases. But,the effect of foiic aicd can not be identified from other factors reduc-
ing the concentration of piasma homocysteine.
Key words: Hyperhomocysteineumia; Cardiovascuiar disease; Atheroscierosis
0 引言
心血管疾病。这种先天性疾病血浆 Hcy 显著升高,
根据有关资料,血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)正常值而蛋氨酸浓度或高或低。故在 1969 年即有人提出