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饮食禁忌(dietary taboo).doc

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饮食禁忌(dietary taboo).doc

上传人:birth201208 2018/10/18 文件大小:25 KB


饮食禁忌(dietary taboo).doc


文档介绍:饮食禁忌(Dietary taboo)
The goal of diabetes treatment
To effectively treat diabetes, we must first clear the treatment goals of diabetes, so as to choose the right treatment methods, to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. The main goals of diabetes treatment are as follows:
(1) to correct the metabolic disorders such as hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia, and promote the normal metabolism of sugar, protein and fat.
(2) alleviate the symptoms caused by metabolic disorders such as hyperglycemia.
(3) prevention and treatment of plications such as ketoacidosis and other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, renal, eye and nervous system, prolong the patient's life and reduce the mortality rate.
(4) the obese should lose weight, maintain a normal weight, guarantee the normal growth of children and adolescent development, ensure diabetic pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus and the smooth delivery of adult normal labor, improve the quality of life of elderly patients with diabetes.
Psychotherapy in the treatment of diabetes
Many people believe that diet, exercise and medication are the main treatments for diabetes. In fact, psychotherapy is very important for the control of diabetes. Optimistic emotional
stability is conducive to maintaining the stability of internal environment in patients, anxiety will cause some stress hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenal cortical hormone and glucagon, and insulin, caused by elevated blood sugar, increase the severity of the illness. The right spirit and attitude towards the disease should be in the right doctor under the guidance of the initiative, learning diabetes knowledge, through the monitoring of urine glucose and blood glucose, find out the favorable and unfavorable factors influencing the disease, to grasp the characteristics of their condition, have strong confidence and perseverance, serious treatment without tension, unremittingly the reasonable diet, physical activity, work and res


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