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跨文化商务交际chapter 4 contrasting cultural values.ppt

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跨文化商务交际chapter 4 contrasting cultural values.ppt


文档介绍:Chapter 4 Contrasting Cultural Values
1. Cultural values
between Chinese values and western values
between Chinese values and American values
2. Cultural dimension
Power distance
Small power distance culture
Large power distance culture
Individualism versus collectivism
Individualistic culture
Collectivist culture
Masculinity versus femininity
Masculine culture
Feminine culture
Uncertainty avoidance
Low uncertainty avoidance
High uncertainty avoidance
1. Definition of value
One’s principles or standards, one’s judgment of what
is valuable or important in life.
--Concise Oxford Dictionary

Values are generally normative, . values set norms. In other
words, values deal with what is required or forbidden, what is
judged to be good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative. In
any given society, values represent the standards by which
behavior is evaluated and not necessarily the actual behavior.
We all know that we should do everything to protect our country. When it is necessary, we should be ready to sacrifice our lives for her. So loving our country is a value we have been taught since we were young. --patriotism
Another one, filial piety is another important value in China. If someone treats his or her parents badly, we tend to be critical of him or her.
2. Values form the core of culture.
Values, the innermost “skin of the onion”, lies at the core of a culture. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. The core “values” are invisible and cannot be touched. In other words, values are abstract. So values are the deepest manifestations of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider who do not belong to this group.
3. Three types of value
Universal values (普遍的价值观)

Cultural-specific values (某一文化特有的价值观)

Peculiar expr


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