In the present stage, disconnection between the pay of executives in state-panies and enterprises performance , monotony of pay structure, lacking of external restrictions and supervision mechanisms as well as low transparency and other informal problems not only affect the efficiency of state-owned assets, but also the fair distribution of social wealth. Besides, it is a sever violation of management to ownership. This article through the search enterprise pensation related information, combined with the characteristics of China's state-owned enterprises and related remuneration policies and regulations, investigation and analysis of pany's management personnel salary system present situation, using salary design and management of pany existing knowledge management personnel salary status investigation and analysis, and constantly improve the management personnel salary system, so as to better play to the employees' health and incentive functions.
Key Words:State-owned enterprise;Manager; Payment systems
一、引言 1
二、管理人员薪酬制度理论研究综述 1
(一)管理人员薪酬制度现状 1
(二)管理人员薪酬制度问题的对策研究 2
三、某公司管理人员薪酬制度现状分析 3
(一)背景介绍 3
(二)某公司管理人员的薪酬制度现状 4
1、岗位工资 5
2、绩效工资 5
3、奖金福利 5
四、某公司酬制度存在问题的原因分析及对策探讨 5
(一)某公司原有薪酬制度存在的问题分析 5
1、某公司现有的薪酬结构不合理 5
2、某公司薪酬制度缺乏激励性 6
3、缺乏合适的绩效考核制度 6
4、某公司薪酬制度缺乏全面性 7
(二)某公司优化管理人员薪酬制度的对策探讨 7
1、岗位价值评价 8
2、优化某公司薪酬结构 10
3、制定合适的绩效考核制度 12
4、重视内在薪酬制度 13
五、结束语 13
参考文献 15
致谢 17