(raw material) 100 bowls (system) 10 kg of flour, refined salt, 500 grams, JianMian 10 grams, mungbean sprout (steam cooked), ripe canola http://e-/post/ oil, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame paste, adequate and vigorous son.
(technology) into MianJiang, seasoned steamed steamed, cut, four working procedure.
MianJiang (1) system. By many times the flour into the basin, add water, the first 10 kilograms of water, stir with wooden spoon into a thick paste
Paste, add salt, 250 grams, continue to add water 5 kg, upy force to form a thin paste, then 1 kg of water, at the same time
JianMian 10 KeHua into water into the basin, and then continue to mix, raise with a spoon, can pull bar, MianJiang.
(2) the cage steamed. In drawer on the shop cloth, mortar into a thin paste, steam for 10 minutes in.
article (3) cutting. Will face overturned as plices, wipe on ripe canola oil, pile on the case, cool. When cut the