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mmodities 假货.ppt

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mmodities 假货.ppt

上传人:xunlai783 2018/11/23 文件大小:757 KB


mmodities 假货.ppt


PPt’S Process:
1. explain the meaning of shanzhai (山寨)
2. introduce different kinds of shangzhai phenomenon
3. the advantage and disadvantages
4. how to consider this condition
mmodities mmodities 假货
In Chinese ,shanzhai literally
means small mountain village
but it’s now used to describe
products that have names
similar to famous brands
or people who imitable
shanzhai products often mix
imitation with innovation,
– a similar skin but a
different heart.
mmodities mmodities 假货
也有knockoff,n. (售价低廉的)冒牌服装;名牌仿制品
A knockoff is a cheap copy of a well-known product. (INFORMAL)
mmodities mmodities 假货
The vast array of knockoff name –brand products such as cell phones ,DVDS,Mp3 players. food.
Shanzhai cell phones
mmodities mmodities 假货
Shanzhai food
mmodities mmodities 假货
Shanzhai medicine
mmodities mmodities 假货
More functional and much cheaper than the original
More considerate in design
Respond to the market more swiftly
Thank to them ,more people at the grassroots level
<草根阶层>can enjoy the benefit of modern technology.
mmodities mmodities 假货
However ,every corn has two sides ,
For all the popularity ,it has won,
a copycat is a copycat .
violating intellectual property rights (违法了知识产权)
Upsets petition(扰乱市场竞争)
Risk people’s health
Steals the fa


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