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课程名称: Materials Physics
论文题目:High Temperature Superconductors
姓名: 周红云
学号: 1**********
授课教师: 徐锋
Abstract 3
1 Introduction 4
2 Development of HTS Materials 6
HTS Bulk 6
Wires 8
First-Generation HTS Wires 8
Second-Generation HTS Wires 10
HTS Thin Films 11
3 Theory and Mechanism of High Tc Superconductivity 12
ic Resonance Theory 12
Electron-Lattice Interactions 12
Circulating Currents Theory 13
Pseudogap 14
Electron Spin Theory 16
4 Applications of HTS Materials 17
5 Conclusions 18
References 19
Abstract Twenty years after the discovery of hightemperature superconductors (HTSs), the HTS materials now have been well developed. Meanwhile the mechanism of superconductivity is still one of the topical interests in physics. At present, the focus on the applied HTS technology has been moving to the industrial preparations from the laboratory research stage, and the technology has been well verified for practical applications from small to large scales. The fabrication techniques of engineering HTS materials are being industrialized; and various HTS devices are also on the way towards practical applications. This paper provides prehensive summary on the applied high temperature superconductivity with regard to various applicable HTS materials, their preparation techniques and characterization, and applications in a wide range.
Index Terms High temperature superconductivity, high temperature superconductor, high temperature superconducting theory
1 Introduction
When the temperature was 23K(minus 250℃), human first discovered superconducting effect. Later the effect was discovered at a higher temperature ,it is called “high-temperature superconductors”. After the discovery of the high-temperature superconductors (HTSs) by Bednorz and muller[1] and the eeding discovery of superconductivity above liquid nitrogen temperatures by Wu et al., many scientists and engineers believ


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