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Abstract: purifying diesel engine is the key to how to effectively eliminate the NO and carbon particles in the smoke generation. Article embarks from the fuel injection system, and puts forward the improved emissions of five kinds of practical methods, has obvious practical significance.
Key words: diesel engine; Emission control; measures

The harmful emissions of diesel engine depends on the mixture formation bustion process in cylinder of diesel engine, which are in the final analysis is by injection in cylinder, air flow, combustion system and working characteristics of cooperation. Purification of diesel engine key is how to effectively eliminate the NO and carbon particles in the smoke generation. Just this two emissions generated rules are often contradictory. Therefore, any single measure always has its negative effects. People are always in a measures at the same time, application of another steps to remedy them and balance. Finally, often is prehensive application of measures to make emissions performance to a new level. Diesel engine is more than a performance and working condition and factor synthesis influence continuum, plus various emissions purification measures, how to carry out optimization, compromise, and integrated control is an extremely difficult plex problem. Diesel engine electronic control and integrated management is the best way to solve this problem, effective also allows various internal purification measures to give full play to utility. Of (among) all the purification measures, improve


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