基于 AHP 的遥感卫星任务规划效能评价方法
北京市遥感信息研究所,北京 100192
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利用率和任务满足度 2 个方面抽取建立了算法的分层评价指标体系基于层次分析 Analytic Hierarchy Process
AHP 算法和 Delphi 算法建立了算法效能的综合评价模型给出了具体的评价步骤。通过 2 个算法的实例对比分
中图分类号 TP181 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1003 - 3106 2012 01 - 0036 - 04
An AHP-based Approach for Evaluating Mission Planning
Efficiency of Imaging Satellites
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ZHANG Zheng-qiang GUO Jian-en WANG Peng
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Beijing Remote Sensing Information Research Institute Beijing 100192 China
Abstract There are many kinds of algorithms of mission planning for imaging satellits presently but it is difficult to evaluate the
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efficiency of thses algorithms. An approach based on application is proposed the method to build the test examples is given the
index system is designed considering the rate of resource consuming and the degree of mission satisfaciton and the model of evaluation
is constructed based on the AHP algorithm and Delphi algorithm. At last two mission planning algorithms are evaluated and
compared which verifies the effectiveness of the approach and the model.
Key words simaging satellite mission planning algorithm efficiency evaluation AHP
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