关键词: 薪酬方案薪酬设计激励因素计点法
In the present society, enterprises face to the great pressure of the petition. Whether they would be ess depends on the factors of the employees. How to get the right people, how to preserve them and how to inspire them, e the core task of human resource management. Compensation management plays one of the principal roles to plish this task.
Therefore ,how to design and establish the pensation program,how bine pany strategy with pensation program, how to pensation e to the motivation factor? pensation managers need to work out a correct solution to e these difficulties. Depending on the experience of establishing pensation program of pany, this thesis will try to do some theoretical and practical research work on these difficulties.
Firstly, the thesis will give the introduction and analysis of the pensation theories, compensation program methods and procedures pensation design. In pensation theories, it mainly introduces the pensation theory. When introducing pensation program, we analyze the special features of the three main systems: the position –based payment, the person-based payment and the performance-based payment. panies intend to adopt bination program. Later by taking the example of traditional position-based payment, the thesis introduces the general procedures pensation design and implement.