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文档介绍:大津师范人学公共管理硕十(M PA ) 研究生学位论文
A b s tra c t
W ith the developm ent of the socialist m arket econ om y an d th e arrival o f th e ag ing
society, large num b er of people h ave tran sferred from “U n it P erson” to "C om m un ity P erson",
w hich leads to th e increasingly strength m unity P arty team th at m ainly form ed b y
P arty m em b er from the area under adm inistratio n, retired p arty m em b er of enterprises and
in stitution s, as w ell as th e P arty m em b ers from other new econom an ization , civilian -run
enterprise and new anizations. T h e turn -up of th e ”tw o new " organizations brin g in
a large floatin g p opu lation into cities m unities, w hich ch anges th m unity P arty
m em b er's team and accelerates th e process of society diversity m un ity
self-govern an ce. C om m unity P anization p lays an im portant role an d dem onstrates an
indispensab le function in this process, but also faces m an y problem an d issues need to b e
resolved . W h at kind of fu nction or resp on sib ility sh ou ld b e p layed or serv ed b y th e
com m unity p anization after estab lish ing, that's the key issu e need to b e resolv ed in
carrying m un ity p arty affair adm in istratio n w ork s. T h erefore, it h as theo ry m ean ing
and practice m eanin g to farth er study th e adm inistration and m anagem ent m unity p arty
a f fa irs u n d e r th e n e w so c ia l a n d h isto ric a l c o n d itio n s .
A fter m any years of exploration and practicing, H anG u district w alk ed out a unique road
on party affair's adm inistration and m an agem en t. O n th e basis o f accurate collection and
sh aping up th e P arty affair w ork statu s of m unities in H angu D istrict, th is th esis h as
fully analy sed and investigated H an gu districts' p arty affair m an agem ent w ork , sum m arized
th e exp erience, id entified the prob lem and actively exp lored th e w ay to fu rth er strength en the
com m unity party m an agem ent


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