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文档介绍:第 25卷第 16期中国给水排水 V 25 No. 16

2009年 8月 CH INA W ATER & WA STEWAT ER Aug. 2009
尢志磊, 陈玲瑚, 蒋福春
(苏州市自来水公司, 江苏苏州 215002)
摘要: 结合相城水厂活性炭滤池的初期投运过程, 研究了生物膜的自然生长情况及其对水
中有机污染物的去除效果。通过对比气、水反冲和单水冲两种模式的实际效果, 探讨了不同冲洗方
式对生物膜恢复净水效果的影响。结果表明: 环境温度偏低和较好的水质将在一定程度上延长炭
粒表面的自然挂膜速度, 生物膜一旦有效形成, 可在常规净水工艺基础上进一步提高对氨氮、耗氧
量和 TOC等指标的去除效果, 切实保证出厂水的生物稳定性。
关键词: 活性炭; 生物膜; 自然挂膜; 生物稳定性
中图分类号: TU991 文献标识码: C 文章编号: 1000- 4602( 2009) 16- 0093- 04
Evaluation on Initial Operation Effect of B iological Activated Carbon Filter
YOU Zh-i le,i CHEN L ing-hu, JIANG Fu-chun
( Suzhou Wa ter Supp ly C ompany, Suzhou 215002, China )
Abstract: The natura l grow th of b iofilm as w ell as its rem oval e ffect on anic po llutantsw ere
stud ied during the in itia l operation of activated carbon filter in X iangchengW aterw orks. parison be-
tw een tw o k inds o f backw ash ing type, so called a ir p lusw ater type and w ater a lone type, was carried ou t
to investigate the ir influence on the recovery o f biofilm. The resu lts ind icate that low tem perature and be-t
terw ater qua lity can slow down the natural g row th o f b io film to a certain Based on the convention-
alw ater treatm ent processes, the form ed biofilm is helpful in rem oval o f amm on ia n itrogen, COD and tota l
organic carbon ( TOC ), w hich ensures the biostab ility o f the fin ished wa ter