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Lightning flashed through the darkness over Donald Lubeck’s bedroom 80-year-old retired worker was shaken by a blast of was 11 storm had moved directly over his two-story wood home in the rural town of Belchertown, he heard the smoke alarm padded down the stairs barefoot and opened the door to the basement, and flames exploded out.
Lubeck fled back upstairs to call 119 from his bedroom ,but the phone didn’t realized he was trapped.“I started panicking,” he says.
His daughter and young granddaughters ,who lived with him ,were away for the one will even know I’m home, he house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be fruitless.
Up a hill about a third of a mile away lived Lubeck’s closest neighbors, Jeremie Wentworth and his had been lying down, listening to the radio when it occurred to him that the sound was more like a smoke jumped out of bed ,grabbed a cordless phone and a flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the noise.
He dialed 119“Is anyone there?” he called out as he approached the knew that Lubeck lived in the house.
Then he heard ,“Help me! I’m trapped!” coming from the balcony off Lubeck’s bedroom.
“I ran in and yelled, ‘Don, where are you ?’Then I had to run outside to catch my breath.”
After one more attempt inside the house, he gave up and circled around there was no way to get to him.“I shined the flashlight into the woods next to an old shed and noticed a adder,” says dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down just as the second floor of the house collapsed.
Wentworth and Lubeck don’t run into each other regularly, but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help ,Wentworth will be there.
Lubeck still chokes up when he tells the story.“I was alone,”he says.“Th


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