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【摘要】目的探讨SKP2与P27在子宫内膜异位症中的表达及临床意义。方法采用免疫组化SP的方法检测EMs组(异位内膜和在位内膜各30例)中SKP2和P27的表达,并与30例正常内膜对照组在位内膜进行比较。结果 SKP2在EMs组(异位内膜组和在位内膜组)相对表达量明显高于正常对照组();异位内膜组的相对表达量明显高于在位内膜组();在位内膜组分泌期SKP2的表达量明显高于增生期()。P27在EMs组(异位内膜组和在位内膜组)的相对表达量明显低于正常对照组(,);异位内膜组的相对表达量明显低于在位内膜();正常对照组分泌期P27的表达量高于增生期()。SKP2与P27在EMs组(异位内膜组和在位内膜组)的表达量呈负相关。结论 SKP2的表达上调和P27的表达下调可能与EMs的发病有关;SKP2和P27可能协同参与了EMs的发病。
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the presentation and clinical significance of SKP2 and P27 in Immunohistochemistry was used to detet the expression of SKP2 and P27 in the endometriosis group, including the ectopic endometrium from 30 cases with endometriosis(ectopic endometrium group) and the eutopic endometrium from the same cases(eutopic endometrium group),and those in the normal endometrium of 30 cases without endometriosis(control group).Results The increased expression level of SKP2 was seen in the endometriosis group (ectopic endometrium group and eutopic endometrium group) compared with that of control group. Increased expression of SKP2 was deteted in the ectopic endometrium pared with that of the eutopic endometrium group. The expression of SKP2 in secretory phase was significantly higher than that in proliferative phase in the eutopic group.