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文档介绍:Trainer Background Material
E90 Introduction
BMW Service
The information contained in the Trainer Background Material is intended solely for the trainer
of BMW Aftersales Training.
Refer to the latest relevant "BMW Service" information for any changes/supplements to the
Technical Data.
Information status: October 2004
© 2004 BMW AG
Aftersales Training, München, Germany. Reprints of this manual or its parts
require the written approval of BMW AG, München.
Trainer Background Material
E90 Introduction
E90 Introduction
Introduction 1
The fifth generation of the BMW 3 Series 1
What's new on the E90? - The most important
features in 3
The E90 in the Marketplace 9
Equipment options 18
E90 - The New 3 Series Saloon
The fifth generation of the BMW 3 Series
In March 2005, the fifth generation of the Now the latest incarnation of the BMW 3
BMW 3 Series will be in dealers' showrooms. Series Saloon once again offers outstanding
product quality and a perfectly balanced and
Every generation of this model bined The new BMW 3 Series will be in
harmonious overall concept. With its self- dealers' showrooms from 5 March
extraordinary performance and handling with 2005.
confident presence, the new sports Saloon
the highest standards fort and Here we present an initial overview
embodies the ultimate driving experience, of the car, its new features, technical
innovation - and always using the best means data petitors.
promising agility and dynamic handling.
available at the time.
1 - The new BMW 3 Series.
Models available at market
320i with N46B20
(150 bhp, 220 kph, s)
325i with N52B25
(218 bhp, 245 kph, s)
330i with N52B30
(258 bhp, 250 kph, s)
320d with M47D20
(163 bhp, 225 kph, s)
Other engine options to
follow from September
The image of the new 3 Series is dynamic and What is more, the exemplary efficiency of the
confident but with an unders


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