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文档介绍:I 毕业论文题目: 220KV 变电站电气部分设计院(系): 成人教育学院专业: 电气工程及其自动化学生姓名: 李金荣班级: 2012119711 学号: 20********** 指导教师: 高鹏 2013 年8月 28日 II 摘要随着经济的发展和现代工业建设的迅速崛起,供电系统的设计越来越全面、系统,工厂用电量迅速增长,对电能质量、技术经济状况、供电的可靠性指标也日益提高,因此对供电设计也有了更高、更完善的要求。设计是否合理, 不仅直接影响基建建投资、运行费用和有色金属的消耗量,也会反映在供电的可靠性和安全生产方面,它和企业的经济效益、设备人身安全密切相关。本设计讨论的是220K V变电站电气部分的设计。首先对原始资料进行分析, 选择主变压器,在此基础上进行主接线设计,再进行电气总平面的布置及配电装置的设计,变压器的选择,然后进行短路计算,导体电气设备的选择,继电保护的设计和配备,最后进行防雷接地以及保护设计。关键字: 变电站;短路计算;设备选择; 继电保护;防雷接地; III ABSTRACT With the development of economy and the rapid rise of the modern industrial construction, the design of the power supply system is more and prehensive, system, plant power consumption growing rapidly, the power quality, technical and economic conditions, the power supply reliability index also is increasing day by day, therefore also has a bigger, better for power supply design requirements. Design is reasonable, not only directly affect the capital construction investment, operation cost and the consumption of non-ferrous metal, also reflected in the power supply reliability and safety production, and it is closely related to the enterprise's economic benefits, equipment safety. The design is refer to the part of220kV electrical substation design. First of all, analyze the original data ,based on it, design the main wiring and then the design of the electrical general layout of the arrangement and distribution equipment and choose the main transformer, then the short circuit calculation ,the choice of conductor electrical equipment ,the design of relay protection and are equipped with, at last, Lightning protection grounding and protection design . Key Words: Substation ; Short Circuit Calculation ; Equipment Selection ; Relay protection ; Lightning protection grounding ; IV 目录引言.............................................................................................................. 6 1 电气主接线的设计............................................................................... 7 ...........................


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