文档介绍:摘要摘要户籍管理与科举教育关系密切,科举考试的顺利实行,必须建立在严格的户籍管理基础之上。清政府设置了从中央到地方的儒学教育机构,并为宗室人员、八旗人员设置了专门学校。清政府按照省区划分科举名额,并对各种户籍单独划分科举名额,使得不同户籍人员只能在本户籍内竞争。按省区和户籍划分科举名额使得冒籍考试现象屡有发生,为此清政府不得不采取种种措施来改变这种状况。本文研究清朝前期(鸦片战争以前)的户籍管理与科举教育,把分省取士制、宗室籍管理与科举教育、旗籍管理与科举教育、商籍管理与科举教育作为论述的重点,系统考察户籍作为科举考试的基本条件,在科举考试中发挥的重要作用。关键词:户籍管理;科举教育;宗室户籍:八旗户籍;商籍 Abstract The household register management close relations hip with the impefial examination education,the smooth execution thatimperial examination education, must build up to on the basis of the stricthousehold Qing government established confucian education institutions from central go tothelocal, and established the specialized school forImperial Clan personnel,Eight Banners Qing government divides heimperial examination’S,quota according£o the province area,bine to divide the line theimperial examination’S quota to various household register alone,make different household register personnel only petes inthishousehold to theprovince area and household registers todivide the heimperial examination’S quota toalsomake emit thehousehold re百ster examination phenomenon tohave the occurrence often,for this,the Qing government have to adopt various measures to change thiskind ofcondition. This text research household registration management and imperial examination education intheearlyperiod ofQing Dynasty fbefore theOpium War),and thepoint thatdivide theprovince select talents system,the Imperial Clan household register management and iInperial examination education,the Eight Banners household registermanagement and imperialexamination education,the businessman household register management and imperial examination education to be the treatise,the system investigation household register isthe basic condition ofthe civil service exam examination,exertive important function inimperial examination. Key Words:the Household Re:gister management;the Imperial Examination Education;the Imperial Clan household register;the Eig