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本文为作者Shreyans C. Parekh成功申请到美国宾夕法尼亚大学的Essay范文,Essay的题材类型为personal growth个人成长经历。开篇以drum story来吸引读者。下面就请大家一起来欣赏这篇优秀的Essay短文。
申请宾大University of Pennsylvania的Essay "Keeping up with the Beat of the Drum"
The hindu god, brahma, seeing the plight of a society tainted by envy and greed, presents a boy with a drum that he can only hear, not see. This instrument, which is supposed to bring patience and discipline to humanity, is the foundation of Indian classical music. The boy has yet to discover that musicians use this tool to speak, allowing their minds to transmit messages through the vibrant pulsations of their notes.
My guru told me this story when I began learning the tabla, a north Indian classical drum. Though he never revealed the ending, he offered one clue. "It doesn't matter how fast your hands can beat the drum if your mind cannot keep up with them."
A typical American teenager, I had always yearned for raw strength and speed on the tabla. I thought those were the qualities that made the perfect percussionist. During concerts, I saw musicians' fngers gliding across the head of the drum producing the extraord
inary impression of force, immediacy of genius and intensity of passion that left audiences spellbound. I knew that to e the best at tabla, I needed to display my talent in a similar way. I wanted to play equally as fast and forcefully,
