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上传人:新起点 2016/3/18 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:Jerry Maguire 甜心先生赵瑞林晓庆李哲隽? Director Cameron Crowe ? Actor Jerry Maguire Tom Cruise Dorothy Boyd Renee Zellweger Rod Tidwell Cuba Gooding Jr Character ? Jerry Maguire agent. fired by his company. to the faith and ed. Character ? Dorothy Boyd single mother accounting of Jerry'pany. and go with Jerry. love Character ? Rod Tidwell popular football player to make a lot of money 's friend brief Introduction of the content The gist of this film is about a essful sports agent — Jerry, As the movie opens, super sports agent Jerry Maguire is facing a crisis of conscience. He realizes that he hates himself and his place in the world, and laments that, although he has a lot to say, no one will listen. So, late one night, he writes a Mission Statement called "The Things We Think and Do Not Say: The Future of Our Business". Jerry is a essful man at first. As a essful sports agent he deeply understand this line of work. Jerry is young, handsome and full of charm; he has more clients and a beautiful fianc é e. Everything is so wonderful until he writes the article about the company should put more attention to the quality rather than quantity and focus on minority clients in the real value. He is fired by pany rudely due to the article . He is forced to start all over again and to be the boss by himself. Fortunately he has two supporters, one is an overnight rugby star who believe in Jerry can make him to be eed , the other is a single mother who is inspired by Jerry ’ s article and she believes Jerry can achieve ess in the competition. But at the beginning of his business, Jerry Just pay close attention to how to revive the penis, how to revenge his boss and opponents. He ignored the feeling of Dorothy. He cares Rod ’ s health just out of business interests. He fear stay alone, and always prays for the he


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