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1.1976 Interview With The Vampire.pdf

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1.1976 Interview With The Vampire.pdf


文档介绍:Interview With The Vampire By Anne Rice " SENSUOUS, THRILLING, WONDERFUL " SENSUOUS, THRILLING, WONDERFUL! " Houston Chronicle " SENSATIONAL AND FANTASTIC... WOVEN WITH UNCANNY MAGIC . . . hypnotically poetic in tone, rich in sensory imagery and dense with the darkness that lies behind the veil of human thought. " St. Luis Post-Dispatch " UNUSUALLY MOVING. " Miami Herald " Anne Rice is a writer who follows a hidden path... into an unfamiliar world. But if you surrender and go with her on her eerie journey, you will find that you have surrendered to enchantment, as if in a voluptuous dream. " The Boston Globe " A MASTERFUL SUSPENSE STORY... From the beginning we are seduced, hypnotized by the voice of the vampire .... plumbs the deepest recesses of human sensuality: " Chicago Tribune " A BONAFIDE BLOCKBUSTER . . . AUDACIOUS, EROTIC, AND ETTABLE . . . An unmitigated terror trip not meant for the weak of heart. Seldom before has this mythical being been so explored and exposed. The imaginat ive plot plunges you into the world of the undead and leads you on a journey that begins in the New Orleans of 200 years ago. The author's . . . vampire gives a first person account of his past. His ghastly initiation into herworld is as mesmeric as is the discovery he is not alone in the nightly search for warm fresh blood. " The Cincinnati Enquirer 1 PART I " I see . . .' said the vampire thoughtfully, and slowly he walked across the room towards the window. For a long time he stood there against the dim light from Divisadero Street and the passing beams of traffic. The boy could see the furnishings of the room more clearly now, the round oak table, the chairs. A wash basin hung on one wall with a mirror. He set his brief case on the table and waited. " But how much tape do you have with you? " asked the vampire, turning now so the boy could see his profile. " Enough for the story of a l


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