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文档介绍:On Word Formation ★ P reface Learn a language; you must learn pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary. A mong the three factors, vocabulary has a very important role in your language-studying. A famous scholar Wilkins said ” without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. ”Hee mphasized that in most cases, the vocabulary is more important than grammar .A nother famous lexicologist McCarthy said, when a student learn the second language, no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how essfully he masters the seconds ofa L2, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in that language cannot happen in any manful way. F rom these two examples and of course include many other cases that are not mentioned here now, we can conclude that if you don ’t care vocabulary at all, it is impossible to learn a language in some way. W hat ’s more, you cannot express your real feeling no matter you are happy, sad, fortune, or you are unlucky , because you don ’t know what words you can say or you can write. ★ S ummary English vocabulary has several of Word-formation methods. But the three greatest word formation powers are affixation, compounding, and conversion. The other six kinds of word-formation methods include blending, clipping, acronymy, back-formation, sound reduplication, munization of proper names. ★ Context Befo


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