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文档介绍:福特汽车公司治理分析福特汽车公司治理分析小组成员:黄勇刘胜忽拉恩古瑞凯福特汽车公司历史沿革福特汽车公司历史沿革 1863 年福特出生 1903 年福特公司成立 1908 年推出 T型车 1903 年流水线 1919 年 EdselFord ) 总裁 1927 年 T型车下线1943年 Edsel 去世 1945二世总裁1947年福特去世 1956年福特世界总部建成1987福特二世去世 1997第一部天然气出租汽车1999 BillFord 主席 2003 年6月16日百年华诞 Internel Internel analysis analysis shareholders meeting The Board mittee mittee Nominating and mittee Environmental and Public mittee Management The The board board ??Purpose Purpose : : The Board of Directors monitors The Board of Directors monitors the performance of the CEO and senior the performance of the CEO and senior management to assure that the long-term management to assure that the long-term interests of the shareholders are being interests of the shareholders are being served. served. ??Board of Directors Structure Board of Directors Structure ??And pensation And pensation ??Meetings Meetings ??Responsibilities and Duties Responsibilities and Duties ??Annual Performance Evaluation Annual Performance Evaluation mittee mittee Assist the Board Assist the Board ‘‘ s oversight of s oversight of : : 1: 1: The reliability and integrity of pany The reliability and integrity of pany ‘‘ s accounting policies and s accounting policies and financial reporting and financial reporting and disclosure practices; disclosure practices; 2: 2: The establishment and maintenance of processes to pliance The establishment and maintenance of processes to pliance with all relevant laws, regulations, pany policy, including a process for with all relevant laws, regulations, pany policy, including a process for receipt plaints and concerns regarding accounting, internal control or receipt plaints and concerns regarding accounting, internal control or auditing matters; auditing matters; 3: 3: The independent auditor The independent auditor ‘‘ s qualifications and independence; and s qualifications and independence; and 4: 4: The performance of pany's internal audit function and The performance


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