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上传人:分享精品 2016/4/15 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:"Where is my order" ??? "I haven't received my order"!!! 邮政包裹一般常见状态中,我们常常看到以下几种: 包裹查无信息"Not Found" ( 当包裹还未上网,官网未更新) 包裹正在运输中"Transit" ( 当包裹还在运输中时) 包裹到达待取"Pick Up" ( 当包裹显示已经到达目的地国家) 包裹投递成功"Delivered" ( 当包裹显示投妥,而收件人声称未收到时) 包裹运输过久"Expired" ( 大部分为时效延误/ 目的地国家不能查到投妥/ 官网不更新状态等) 包裹可能异常"Alert" ( 大部分为退件/ 海关单号/ 损坏/ 丢失等问题) 当您查过单号以后, 根据以上六种包裹状态, 编辑您给买家的邮件(有关退件啊, 延误啊, 丢包等问题, 请卖家朋友自行编辑, 因为涉及到您的售后服务及解决方案): Not found: Dear valued customer: Hello! I appreciate the time you have taken to contact us about your order with tracking number RC867773406HK ( 示例单号) and I am happy to assist today. As per tracking result powered by , I'm very sorry to inform you that your item is still lack of tracking information right now. If you got a tracking result as "Not found" it's telling you that your tracking information is unavailable, it doesn't mean that we haven't been mailed your item. (Note: There may bea delay between scanning events and the availability of tracking information related to those scanning events. The tracking information may not appear online immediately. Normally it takes a few days after the item(s) have been sent for tracking details to be available from the shipping carrier.) Therefore, please hold on for a few more days and try to check your order some time later? Thanks for your business again! Have a nice day! Best regards, store 888 Transit: Dear valued customer: Hello! I appreciate