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文档介绍:Ling 1 Elvis Ling Christy 20C Academic Article Paper Draft 2 10 February, 2015 R ising inequality has been one of the most important problems in America and it has a big effect on the economic growth. In the short story “ Confronting Inequality ”, Paul Krugman asserts some facts of different kinds of inequalities and lays out some steps he believes would reduce the influence of this big problem in the US. He begins by asking the question of why the economic inequality is important and the reason is the matter of living standard and points out the cause of the increase in e equality which makes a huge difference between different economic classes. Krugman suggests that the loophole has not been used and he says, “… Democratic Senator Charles Schumer let itbe known that he would favor eliminating the hedge fund loophole only if other deeply entrenched tax breaks were eliminated at the same time ”(593). In other words, he thinks the tax problem is very serious to the world. In order to solve the problem, es up with two solutions. The first one is to withdraw the tax cut and make a new tax policy which can let upper classes with more e pay a higher tax rate because he thinks it would let the health care problem be subsided and reduce inequality .I think expanding the e tax credit isa return of money to the workers once they file their taxes. This would help the families who donot m


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