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“ Please take my penny, ” said Maggie to old Dan, the fisherman, who sat on a bench repairing his nets.
Her brother Andrew drew her back, whispering, “ Maggie, he is(not乞丐abeggar)!”
But Maggie paid no attention. “ Pleasetake it, she” said again. Old Dan smiled, and took it.
“ Thank you, little miss, ” he said, “ It is kindly meant. ”
After that, Maggie went to the beach to gather shells. She never thought how fast the hours
were passing until being tired. She sat down on a rock. Soon she was scared because the sea water was going up. She wanted to go home, but she found the places she had gone down easily very difficult to climb up. The stones were wet and smooth. What could poor Maggie do? She felt sad and cried.
Luckily, Dan's large dog Rover jumped down from a rock! Rover raised his loud bark. The
fisherman had taken his nets to the top of the cliffs (悬崖) , and was laying them out in the sun
when he heard the loud barking of a dog. He felt sure that it was Rover, and Rover was in trouble,
so he looked over. There he saw it all.
“ Bless her! It is the little one that was so kind -spoken to me this morning! ” he cried, and he
hurried to his sons' rooms.
“ Quick, boys, quick! ” he said. “ Get to the boat, and row fast to the sea. There is a poor child
there just waiting to be helped. ” The fishermen lost no time, and soon little Maggie and Rover
were rowed safely to land! Old Dan was waiting there to lift her out to give her into her mother's
“ It was the penny that did it, madam, ” he said to Mrs. Weston later. “ I saw Rover looking
when she put the penny. And I am thinking he had been looking after her all the day. ”
Some years later, Rover came to Maggie's home with a little note, in which was written —“ Will
Maggie help Rover? — his master is dead. ”
1) Who rowed Maggie to land safely?
A. Rover. B. Old Dan. C. Old Da


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